Gastronomic Tourism

Gastronomic tourism is an alternative form of tourism in which dominates the culture of the local cuisine, without limits.

The gastronomy is a precious cultural heritage. The lifestyle of a place is reflected in the food and drink through the process and the materials are produced. Cooking Arts and Gastronomy compose the package of a journey through taste creating memories of a lifetime. In Greek cuisine we use some very typical products such as olive oil, wine, greens, vegetables, honey, yogurt and cheese. The raw materials are pure, fresh and delicious plus they are produced organically. In our cuisine we cook simply. Therefore, the Greek cuisine along with the excellent Greek wine is healthy and provides a well being and a sense of euphoria.

Greece has an undiscovered culinary wealth with a wide variety of recipes and products to every corner of the mainland and each island. Numerous of local cheeses are produced in Greece, while the country has a rich variety of wine. The Greek cuisine has laid the foundations of the Mediterranean diet, and has gained many followers abroad, thanks to its particular character.

The variety of appetizers, the simplicity of preparation and the taste, the nutritional value of fresh Greek products, has made it widely known and loved. There are also some classic Greek raw materials (olive oil, feta cheese, yogurt, honey, dough sheet, etc.) used in modern international cuisine.

An integral element of enjoyment offered by the Greek cuisine is the right setting, such as a quaint restaurant with the majestic view of the Acropolis, a table under the plane tree in the square of a small village or a tavern on a beach.

In Greece, we have a special love for the traditional flavors of each local region. As a tribute, there are various festivals throughout Greece such as the Sardine Festival in Patras and Chalkidiki, peanut Festival in Aegina etc. At this point we could not overlook the fact that in Greece there are museums dedicated to agriculture and nutrition as the Bread Museum of Amfiklia, the ouzo Barbayanni Museum in Lesvos etc.


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  • +30 210 7711673
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